MegaBox myth busting: TARGETED FAT LOSS!

I want to lose belly fat… what exercises do you suggest???

Here we have a very common and legitimate question that numerous people looking to improve their body composition have asked their trainer, a friend or even google!
What they are wanting to hear, or in some cases what they are actually told is that there are specific exercises that they can do to reduce body fat from their stubborn areas. However, there is no science to back this theory up.
The unfortunate truth of the matter is, that it is impossible to spot target fat loss.

Yes, it is possible to target very specific muscle groups in order to grow or strengthen that particular area with the right exercises. This may improve ‘the look’ of that area, however, this will just impact the muscle and will not have a direct impact on the amount of fat present.

You could try doing 100 sit ups a day to target fat loss on your stomach, but it won’t make a difference if you aren’t in a calorie deficit. Plus, there are a lot more exercises out there that would be more beneficial to you and would help you to achieve your desired physique.
Everyone has a six pack much like everyone has biceps, triceps, quads & hamstrings etc... These are all muscles that make up who we are as humans! Not everyone’s six pack can be seen and we can’t emphasize enough that - that is okay

The frustrating fact of the matter is that reducing body fat, irrespective of where it lies on the body, can only be achieved through a calorie deficit. Once we are achieving a consistent deficit to elicit fat being burnt as a source of energy, we will start to see a reduction of overall body fat… but this will not happen in any chosen area first i.e the stomach (yes that's right, even if you do 1000 sit ups a day)! 

In reality we will lose fat from anywhere on the body and we cannot control where this will happen first and it is unique to you. The only thing we can control is achieving a calorie deficit (by either consuming less calories, exercising more (at Megabox - obviously) or a combination of both) to begin this process and maintaining it until we are happy with the resulting loss in body fat.

Build muscle in a targeted area; Yes!
Lose fat in a targeted area by performing certain exercises; No!

We will be looking at how you can achieve a calorie deficit and an optimal energy balance for different goals in the coming weeks so keep your eyes open for our next blog!   


Kids & Fitness


MegaBox myth busting: BOXING!